Statistiques bayésiennes, cohérence du réseau, diagnostics de convergence
Modèles markoviens et semi-markoviens, microsimulations, DICE
Econométrie, modèles flexibles (spline), prédictifs, bayésiens, paramètres ME, population, validation externe, calibration
Rapports statistiques, modélisation, parcours de soins, process mining, impact organisationnel
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Statésia est un bureau d’études et de conseil spécialisé en évaluation des produits, technologies et stratégies de santé innovants à destination des acteurs publics et privés des systèmes de santé (hôpitaux, entreprises du médicament et des dispositifs médicaux, cabinets de consultants, institutions, HAS DEAI, CT, CEESP, CEPS) :
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News: Biography written by Le Mans University for Franck MAUNOURY (institutional weblink).
News: Biography written by Le Mans University for Franck MAUNOURY (institutional weblink).
News: Franck MAUNOURY (PhD, HDR), CEO STATESIA, professeur des universités associé et co-fondateur/co-responsable du Master Economie de la santé à Le Mans Université (GAINS, IRA), a soutenu une habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR), obtenue le 29 novembre 2023 à Le Mans Université (lien institutionnel).
Publication: Maunoury F1,2, Drugeon B3, Boisson M4,5, Marjanovic N3, Couvreur R3,4, Mimoz O3,4,6, Guenezan J3,4,6, on behalf of the CLEAN-3 Study. Cost-effectiveness analysis of bundled innovative devices versus standard approach in the prevention of unscheduled peripheral venous catheters removal due to complications in France. PLoS One. 2022.
1 Statesia, Le Mans, France; 2 University of Le Mans, GAINS, IRA, Le Mans, France; 3 University Hospital of Poitiers, Emergency Department and Pre-Hospital Care, France; 4 University of Poitiers, School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Poitiers, France; 5 University Hospital of Poitiers, Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Peri-Operative Medicine Department, France; 6 INSERM U1070, Pharmacology of anti-infective drugs, Poitiers, France.
Publication: Maunoury F1, Oury A2, Fortin S2, Thomassin L3, Bohbot S3; Explorer Study. Cost-effectiveness of TLC-NOSF dressings versus neutral dressings for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers in France. PLoS One. 2021 Jan 22;16(1):e0245652. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245652. PMID: 33481840; PMCID: PMC7822547.
1 Health Economics, Statesia, Le Mans, France. 2 Global Regulatory Affairs & Market Access, URGO Medical, Chenôve, France. 3 Global Medical Affairs, URGO Medical, Paris, France.
Publication: Salah Ghabri PhD1, Aymeric Binard MD2, Yves-Marie Pers MD3, Franck Maunoury PhD4, J. Jaime Caro MD,CM, FRCPC, FACP567. Economic Evaluation of Sequences of Biological Treatments for Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and Inadequate Response or Intolerance to Methotrexate in France. Value in Health DOI: Available online 13 February 2020.
1 Department of Economic and Public Health Evaluation, French National Authority for Health (HAS), Saint-Denis La Plaine, France 2 Department of Rheumatology, CHU de la Cavale-Blanche, Brest, France 3 Clinical Immunology and Osteoarticular Diseases Therapeutic Unit, Lapeyronie University Hospital, Montpellier, France 4 STATESIA, Le Mans, France 5 McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 6 London School of Economics, London, England, UK 7 Evidera, Boston, MA, USA .